Posted on May 23, 2024, 11:11 pm

A few months ago I updated the logo for the website and though it hasn't been used in any promotional material yet 0dd and I collabed on a new logo for Fateful Heights as well. I'll probably find something to use it for by the next update. It'll be in the update promo posts, for one. As for the updates themselves, we're currently working on getting a backlog of content already made so we can release it at a more consistent pace. Hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am. -tempest2k

Posted on May 10, 2023, 4:28 am

Small change. Added all patron names to the Donate page. And I'll also take this opportunity to be transparent with you: I don't know when the next Fateful Heights update will be. I've been real busy lately with preparing to move and I've also been hesitant to work on my outline, as I'm currently really unsatisfied with it. I'm not in a place where I'm ready to commit to a full update at the moment and have instead been working on Tori Vega Comic, which is also under a bit of a delay, since making an animated sequence takes a lot longer than I thought! Classic blunder in this specific corner of the web comic scene. Hope to have more stuff for you again soon, guys. -Tempest

Posted on December 21, 2022, 4:59 pm

Huge News!

You might have noticed we've been away for a while. A lot longer than we planned, actually! Well, life is hard, and complicated, and if you follow internet webcomics at all you've probably heard all of this before and you get the idea. Well, we're almost back!

After over 6 months, we finally have an update that's totally written and illustrated, and just needs to be added to the site proper. It's really exciting to get to this point, especially since I've kinda been dealing with a lot lately. It's not something I need to get into here, but I can say that being here, at this point in the process, is incredibly relieving. I hope you guys are looking forward to this update as much as I am.

Posted on December 18, 2021, 6:23 pm

Update on Updates, Breakdown on a Break

If you've been keeping a keen eye on when we usually update each month, you'll notice we missed this one. That's because we're taking a big break! We've been working on Fateful Heights every month since release, working to get out frequent updates, and it seems that's finally caught up to us. We'll be back in just a couple of months, hopefully with a little more than just a new update. Thank you for sticking with us so far, and please stay tuned!

Fateful Heights will be back in February 2022!

Posted on October 8, 2021, 12:11 pm

50 Pages and 50 More + INHOSPITABLE Changes

So, we've finally reached 50 pages of Fateful Heights. Whew, were did time go? When we launched back on July 9th, we weren't entirely sure how often we'd be updating, or even where exactly we'd be in a year. Needless to say, the pace of updates has been faster than we expected, and just a few months in we've passed the 50 page mark. Working on this comic has been a joy so far, and we're really excited to keep going.

Now you may have seen this newspost also has "+ INHOSPITABLE Changes" in the title, and that might sound a little scary. Don't worry, no major changes are coming- in fact, we just wanted to discuss the ones that have already been made.

Firstly, the logo at the top? Totally different now! It also gives you a much better look at our site logo. Also, you may have noticed that the logs listed on the left is a lot shorter. That's because it's been limited to only showing the most recent 35 pages, which should make it a lot easier to check for newsposts here at the bottom. Speaking of the logs, we added page numbers next to each page! This is a pretty nice quality-of-life change that should make navigating the logs a lot easier, especially since pages in Fateful Heights seldom have unique titles.

The last change isn't actually here on the site, but on our Twitter account. The rebranding of our logo has affected the account's profile picture and the header, and the template for our update promo image has been slightly changed in a way that should be a lot more legible. Now none of this should be groundbreaking, but we really hope it improves your experience interacting with the site. Thanks for tuning in to our programming, everyone. Here's to fifty more pages!