Color | IH/BDTH | AO3 | Hex |
DEZ: This is Dez's text color ^^ | doctor | N/A | #FF629C |
GB: this is gale's text color | botanist | N/A | #8BAC0F |
GM: This is Gizmondo's text color. | nurse | N/A | #E00707 |
GG: this is gigi's text color. | gigi | N/A | #7b66ff |
XB: this is xander's text color. | normal | N/A | #5FCD4C |
EC: This is XXXXXX's text color. | loser | N/A | #CF5300 |
KM: This is ??????'s text color. | communist | N/A | #C9A018 |
SW: This is ????'s text color. | cursed | N/A | #CACC19 |
JUNE: this is june's text color. | blue | john | #0715CD |
ROSE: This is Rose's text color. | rose | rose | #B536DA |
DAVE: this is daves text color | dave | dave | #E00707 |
JADE: this is jades text color! :) | green | jade | #4ac925 |
JANE: This is Jane's text color! :B | cyan | jane | #00D5F2 |
JAKE: This is jakes text color. | emerald | jake | #1F9400 |
ROXY: this is roxys text color | pink | roxy | #F146EF |
DIRK: This is Dirk's text color. | orange | dirk | #f2a400 |
KARKAT: THIS IS KARKAT'S TEXT COLOR. | iron | karkat | #626262 |
KARKAT: THIS IS KARKAT'S BLOOD COLOR. | candy-red | ??? | #FF0000 |
ARADIA: this is aradias text c0l0r 0_0 | rust | aradia | #990000 |
TAVROS: tHIS IS, tAVROS'S TEXT COLOR, }:/ | bronze | tavros | #a25203 |
SOLLUX: thii2 ii2 2ollux'2 text color. FUCK | gold | sollux | #a1a100 |
this is any given lime-blood's text color. | lime | ??? | #678900 |
NEPETA: :33 < this is nyapeta's text clawlor :33c | olive | nepeta | #416600 |
KANAYA: This Is Kanayas Text Color | jade | kanaya | #078446 |
TEREZI: TH1S 1S T3R3Z1S T3XT COLOR >:] | teal | terezi | #008282 |
VRISKA: This is Vriska's text color! >::::D | cobalt | vriska | #004182 |
EQUIUS: D--> This is Equius's te%t color | indigo | equius | #001582 |
GAMZEE: tHiS Is gAmZeE'S TeXt cOlOr :O) | purple | gamzee | #440a7f |
ERIDAN: this is eridans text color | violet | eridan | #6a006a |
FEFERI: T)(is is F-EF-ERI's text color! 38) | fuchsia | feferi | #99004d |
CALLIOPE: this is calliope's regUlar text color. ^u^ | calliope | calliope | #929292 |
CALIBORN: THIS IS CALIBORN'S REGuLAR TEXT COLOR. tumut | caliborn | caliborn | #323232 |
CALLIOPE: this is the dead calliope's text color. | candy-red | ??? | #ff0000 |
CALIBORN: THIS IS CALIBORN'S TEXT COLOR AFTER HE ASCENDS. | candy-green | felt* lordenglish* | #2ed73a |
This is Doc Scratch's text color. On the BDTH site, this background shows when you hover. | scratch | scratch* | #ffffff |
JANE: This is Jane's text color in the Homestuck Epilogues. | jane | ??? | #0097d7 |
ARCJEC: XDXD This is Arcjec's text color. XDXD | magnesium | arcjec* | #B95C00 |
ELLSEE: This is ΣllsΣΣ's tΣxt color!! =:D | mercury | ellsee* | #6C8400 |
LAVIAN: This is Lavian's text color- | zinc | lavian* | #004696 |
SERPAZ: this is serpazs text color (|:) | goldve | serpaz* | #00A596 |
ALBION: *this*is*albions*text*color*. | copper | albion* | #407D00 |
SOVA: this is SOVA's text color. o^o Also works with "SOVARA". | silver | sovara, sova* | #7F0000 |
DISMAS: This is Dism/\s' text color/// | phosphorus | dismas* | #C44000 |
JENTHA: this is jentha's t t text color | tin | jentha* | #B49E18 |
OCCEUS: This is .o.cceus' text c.o.l.o.r | sulfur | occeus* | #00007F |
TAZ: ~+his is +az's +ex+ color.~ Also works with "TAZSIA". | platinum | tazsia, taz* | #39017F |
CALDER: This is Calder's text color. | ironve | calder* | #A00078 |
MURRIT: >([t#is is murrits text color] | lead | murrit* | #510049 |
SECILY: 1.e4 This is *my* text color. ...e5 Also works with "ANNONN". | talc | secily, iopara* | #0989A0 |
SESTRO: ∞this is sestro's text color. Also works with "EXECUTIVE" and "CLARUD". | sublimination | sestro* | #61467B |
HAMIFI: This is Hamifi's text color.∞ | precipitation | hamifi* | #00722D |
BYTCON: 0-> This is Bytcon's text color. | take | bytcon* | #0040AF |
CADLYS: this is cadlys' text c | crucible | cadlys* | #163B3B |
SIRAGE: <this is sirage's text <olor~> | filter | sirage* | #619319 |
HUSSKE: this. is husskes. text cølør. | arsenic | husske* | #B25D2C |
RYPITE: This is Rypite's text color. | iron-pyrite | rypite* | #1A1280 |
CRYTUM: O> This is Crytum's text color. ‿ | electrum | crytum* | #2D6461 |
MSHIRI: .this is mshiris text color | sand | mshiri* | #FBEC5D |
ORICKA: this is orickas text color ![]() | brassve | oricka* | #542853 |
SABINE: |-0-| THIS IS SABINE'S TEXT COLOR. | reverberation | sabine* | #B07800 |
RAUROU: TH/S /S RAUROU'S TEXT COLOR. | vitriol | raurou* | #48574A |
HAYYAN: This is Hayyan's text =c⨀l⨀r. Also works with "REFERO". | cuprum-arsenicatum | hayyan, refero* | #B29E14 |
NECRON: † This here's Necron's groovy text color. † | death | necron* | #004182 |
VALTEL: this is valtel's text color. | ashes | valtel* | #930000 |
YESHIN: this is yeshins text coloreth | resolve | yeshin* | #CD4748 |
CINARE: This is Çinare's text çolor. | calcine | cinare* | #962600 |
GLOMER: this is GloMer's text color | distill | glomer* | #397E57 |
GERBAT: Γ this is gerbat's tects color. J | herb | gerbat* | #039639 |
ENDARI: )-| This is Endari's text color |-( | ammonia | endari* | #39007E |
EDOLON: This is Edolon's text color. :) | purification | edolon* | #270051 |
TALALD: teehee!!!! this is talald's text color!!!! | glass | talald* | #CD6500 |